The fractured story of a survivor of abuse and cover up in the Diocese of Winchester, by a survivor who is too traumatized and ashamed to share her story, but has been forced to fight to be heard.
Saturday, 24 May 2014
judgement by the church
The church shun and condemn me and malign me through their interconnections and networks to give me a bad name, but in 2006 they said that a peadophile was a 'good man really' and kept quiet about what he had done and ensured that his name wasn't mentioned in connection with the church and the suspicions about his activities with Romanian orphans on mission trips.
That is the Church of England, they publicly flog and discredit and defame a survivor of church abuse, and they praise a paedophile, they drive out and shun and malign an abuse survivor and leave her homeless and with a record she will never come to terms with, and they joyfully welcome back their benefice administrator who ran off with a girl from the diocesan offices and left his wife dying.
This is the church of england.
That is the Church of England, they publicly flog and discredit and defame a survivor of church abuse, and they praise a paedophile, they drive out and shun and malign an abuse survivor and leave her homeless and with a record she will never come to terms with, and they joyfully welcome back their benefice administrator who ran off with a girl from the diocesan offices and left his wife dying.
This is the church of england.
against the grain
Just going against the grain here -why has the Bishop not publicly apologized to the Dean and recompensed him then?
Reality is that the Bishop's insane public attack on me and the Dean has led to a situation where the Bishop has little choice, destroy me or continue to be battered by the Dean's powerful supporters,
and I guess it is much easier to leave me shattered with my life in ruins again, defamed and destroyed, than for the Bishop to be honest and responsible.
Reality is that the Bishop's insane public attack on me and the Dean has led to a situation where the Bishop has little choice, destroy me or continue to be battered by the Dean's powerful supporters,
and I guess it is much easier to leave me shattered with my life in ruins again, defamed and destroyed, than for the Bishop to be honest and responsible.
Nigel's comment on CTV
Posted by Nigel on CTV's article about how I am being harmed. Nigel and others, if someone doesn't stop the harm to me very soon, I am not going to survive intact and remain conscious, I am ill and I am exhausted and I have no idea why the Diocese of Winchester appear to have set out to harm me and been able to destroy me again without anyone, even the police, stopping them.
Posted By: Nigel on 23-May-2014
I don't believe it CTV actually going to report on sensitive issues ! This lady has been treated worse than an animal,I have read everything she has written on her Blog,you can tell she is an Educated Lady who has been taken to the edge ! The people who are supposed to care, oh yes they care but only about themselves and get their friends in high office to do the dirty work. Everybody who lives on this Island deserves to hear the truth about the Church Warden,the behaviour of The Dean and his Wife and how the Police got involved and why was this Lady Locked up and deported ? From what I have read this Lady needs all sorts of help not charity ! Help from us the people ,the people who are being denied the truth and would help her out of love .
Posted By: Nigel on 23-May-2014
I don't believe it CTV actually going to report on sensitive issues ! This lady has been treated worse than an animal,I have read everything she has written on her Blog,you can tell she is an Educated Lady who has been taken to the edge ! The people who are supposed to care, oh yes they care but only about themselves and get their friends in high office to do the dirty work. Everybody who lives on this Island deserves to hear the truth about the Church Warden,the behaviour of The Dean and his Wife and how the Police got involved and why was this Lady Locked up and deported ? From what I have read this Lady needs all sorts of help not charity ! Help from us the people ,the people who are being denied the truth and would help her out of love .
Who's who 1 - source 'Justice for Jersey'
Who's Who
Sir Philip Bailhache - Bailiff of Jersey until June 2009 (brother of the William) Picture
William Bailhache QC - Attorney General (brother of Philip) Picture
Marnie Baudains - Directorate Manager of Social Services who called for the sacking of Stuart Syvret as minister - for speaking out about child protection service failures.
Michael Birt - Bailiff of Jersey since June 2009 Picture
Chris Bright
Editor of the JEP PictureDenzil Dudley - BBC Jersey Editor famous for saying "the BBC does not host political debates - in case it might influence decision-makers"
Mick Gradwell Police Superintendent brought in to take over the abuse inquiry after the retirement of Lenny Harper. Involved with Warcup in fact-free campaign to trash Harper's work and reputation.Picture
Lenny Harper - former Deputy Chief Constable, States of Jersey Police. Since his retirement in 2008, the Jersey establishment has mounted a campaign of vilification against him and his investigation in to the allegations of abuse at Haut de la Garenne children's home. The purpose of this campaign appears to be to allow them to abandon attempts to prosecute alleged abusers and blame it on the `incompetence' of Harper's investigation. Picture
John Hemming Liberal Democrat MP and campaigner for justice in Jersey. Picture
Jersey Evening Post
The only newspaper on Jersey. A vehicle for Jersey establishment spin. Historically associated with wartime collusion with the occupying Nazis. (The Channel Islands were the only UK territory to be occupied by the Nazis during WW2.) PictureSenator Terry Le Sueur - Chief Minister of Jersey (lots of people in Jersey have French-sounding surnames) Picture
Mario Lundy, Director of Education, Sport and Culture. The subject of a police investigation into accusations of physical abuse when he worked at one of Jersey's children's homes. Despite the investigation, the authorities refused to suspend him. Picture
Emma Martins, Jersey's Data Protection Commissioner, claimed by SS to have manipulated and falsely applied the data protection law in an effort to protect named individuals, and as part of a coordinated action of political oppression against him. (Daughter of Bergerac star John Nettles.) picture
Dave Minty, Police officer leading the investigation against Stuart Syvret, with some enthusiasm it is said. According to SS, "he is also the very self-same police officer who has been furnished with evidence – and extremely well informed witnesses – to the effect that a Minister of the States of Jersey has criminally abused his position to take kick-backs for supporting planning developments." picture
Tom McKeon, Director of Education before Lundy. Also subject to allegations of physical abuse of children in care. Now retired and living in Australia. Picture
Carrie Modral A spokesperson for the Jersey Care Leavers' Association Video
Bill Ogley - Chief Executife of the States of Jersey (the most senior civil servant, who destroyed hand-written minutes of the meeting to suspend the police chief before Mr Power had agreed that they were accurate) Picture
Senator Philip Ozouf - Minister for Treasury and Resources. The establishment's Chief Minister in waiting. Picture
Graham Power - Chief Constable, States of Jersey Police. Suspended for investigating child abuse while child abusers remain in senior posts. Picture
Matthew Price - BBC Radio Jersey Editor Picture
Rob Shipley - Deputy Editor of the JEP
Jack Straw Labour MP and Minister for Justice, former radical politician who has supported corruption and cover-up in Jersey by his failure to intervene. Picture
Senator Stuart Syvret Picture Video
Anti-establishmentv Jersey Senator and former minister of Health and Social Services, who was sacked for uncovering the catastrophic breakdown of child protection services. The leading campaigner for justice for Jersey's abuse survivors and author of ground-breaking blog with over 200,000 readers.
States Members An ingenious attempt to rank States' members according to their degree of political allegiance to the establishmentTony the Prof's Blog
Turks and Caicos Islands. A British territory in the Caribbean. The UK assumed direct rule in August 2009 after allegations of corruption. Unlike in Jersey, the ruling elite are mainly black. Story
Senator Frank Walker - Former Chief Minister of Jersey. Famously accused Stuart Syvret of trying to shaft Jersey internationally. Picture
David Warcup - Deputy Chief Constable recruited on the retirement of Lenny Harper. Swiftly appointed Acting Chief Constable after the oligarchy conspired to suspend Graham Harper. Complicit with Gradwell in the fact-free campaign against Lenny Harper. Picture
To come: Bridget Shaw, Stephen Baker
The names on the above list come up repeatedly in connection with injustice, conflicts of interest and corruption and cover ups, but nothing is ever done. Some of the above have been involved in the suppression of me and my side of things and the clearing of the Dean and abusers of wrongdoing.
Some of the names are out of date, for example the chief minister of Jersey is Senator Gorst, in theory, in reality he is by all accounts a sock-puppet for Philip Bailhache, because people had to choose between him and Bailhache as chief so they chose the weak leader instead of the dictator, and got a sock puppet.
This is the start of a who's who. Which needs to be contiued in order for a better picture of what is really going on to be seen.
Anyone wanting to add to this, please send me details.
The list above relates mainly to the child abuse and cover up situation including Stuart Syvret's sacking for speaking up about child abuse and Graham Power's illegal suspension for investigating child abuse.
The Diocese -why have they done this?
What were the Diocese of Winchester thinking when they had me illegally traced?
If they were not going to include me, why did they trace me?
Presumably to make themselves look credible and caring at my expense, they wish they hadn't illegally used me that way now.
They excluded me from their 'investigations' and allowd the states-judiciary-lawyer-church laity-masinic circle to hijack the investigations, did nothing when they were made aware of this, and excluded me from the complaint and have decided to publish a list of my perceived and contrived sins on behalf of the deanery that they claimed to be investigating.
That is aimless, unchristian and has not achieved anything remotely to do with safeguarding.
If the diocese had a conscience, they should be very ashamed, but they think publicly flogging me for what my sins are said to be, is acceptable, despite Jesus teaching very clearly that it is wrong to do this.
The whole matter can only ever have been about the church absolving themselves, especially as a key wrongdoer, Jane Fisher has been allowed to influence the matter throughout.
So in discrediting me and leaving me with no credibility they absolve themselves, and the side effect of destroying me is not a problem to these unchristian people.
If they were not going to include me, why did they trace me?
Presumably to make themselves look credible and caring at my expense, they wish they hadn't illegally used me that way now.
They excluded me from their 'investigations' and allowd the states-judiciary-lawyer-church laity-masinic circle to hijack the investigations, did nothing when they were made aware of this, and excluded me from the complaint and have decided to publish a list of my perceived and contrived sins on behalf of the deanery that they claimed to be investigating.
That is aimless, unchristian and has not achieved anything remotely to do with safeguarding.
If the diocese had a conscience, they should be very ashamed, but they think publicly flogging me for what my sins are said to be, is acceptable, despite Jesus teaching very clearly that it is wrong to do this.
The whole matter can only ever have been about the church absolving themselves, especially as a key wrongdoer, Jane Fisher has been allowed to influence the matter throughout.
So in discrediting me and leaving me with no credibility they absolve themselves, and the side effect of destroying me is not a problem to these unchristian people.
Friday, 23 May 2014
Dear Planet Jersey...,55.msg59106.html#msg59106
Thank you that you keep speaking for the voiceless at this time.
Thank you that you keep speaking for the voiceless at this time.
In answer to a question
why am I not updating the daily blog?
The crisis is too severe.
What am I doing?
Today I have been to lunch with a friend from church, and then been resting and watching movies on my laptop.
This evening I will go to Evening Prayer, and then I will sleep.
Thats how things are.
The crisis is too severe.
What am I doing?
Today I have been to lunch with a friend from church, and then been resting and watching movies on my laptop.
This evening I will go to Evening Prayer, and then I will sleep.
Thats how things are.
This is what Jersey is about:
Formal letter to Bishop Dakin 2
Formal cease and desist warning letter, warning Bishop Tim Dakin and the Diocese of Winchester to cease to harrass and harm the Vulnerable Adult known as HG by producing press releases and reports and reports about her:This letter contains a full explaination of the harm being inflicted on the abuse survivor known as HG.
16/05/2014 Winchester
Dear Bishop Tim Dakin, and clergy, employees and staff,
I am writing regarding your continued harm to me in the media and press.
I am writing to explain to you that you are harming me and that you must stop.
Last year I wrote you a legal letter and asked you to desist from harassing and harming me, I received no response.
Last year you illegally and wrongly had me traced and allowed a hate campaign that smeared my name when you released a report known as the 'Korris' report, you allowed this report to be published on the web despite the fact it was harmful to me and inaccurate.
You refused to remove or amend this report despite the fact that it caused me severe psychological and social harm.
For example I was easily recognized from it, there are not many autistic homeless women on the streets in my age bracket who have been abused by church.
As a result I was made to leave my church where I had support and felt safe, my name was then released to the general public by Philip Bailhache, one of the members of the group of the church officer-lawyer-judiciary-freemason group who ran the hate campaign against me as a result of the inaccurate and permenantly injurious Korris report, which you did nothing about.
As a result of your release of this report without my imput and the subsequent media hate campaign, and complete strangers maligning and condemning me, I suffered illness, and have not recovered, last Autumn I was forced leave college as a result of your reports and the response to them, last autumn I was so sick and tired that my friends were unable to remain supporting me as they had been as we rebuilt my life, and I was severely ill as a result of waiting for you to publish a report that you had been told was conflicted and done against me by a conflicted judge with connections with Philip Bailhache, the report was known to be biased in order to clear the Dean and defame me, and yet you have left me suffering and waiting for this report which will destroy me, to be published.
This report was written with 8 hours of interview from the Dean by Dame Steel, and a member of your clergy, Gavin Ashenden who is a lawyer and former chaplain to the Queen was also interviewed even though he was not in Jersey when I was there and has never met me, but has been very loud in his support of the Dean and his damnation of me, he has played a key part in the smear campaign against me, as he is qualified to credibly defame me and support the Dean.
I have not been interviewed for the Steel report, as you know, just as my views were ommited from the Korris report, and safeguarding officer, Jane Fisher, who has harmed me and got me a criminal record, was able to influence the Korris report, ensuring that her behaviour was omitted.
You did not contact me previous to the Korris report being published, you did not ensure that I still had a complaint or that I wanted to proceed with a complaint, you did not ensure that my views were included and you did not take into account the psychological and social harm to me that the Korris report caused and is causing, you are aware and have made the general public aware that the Steel report will harm me, you do not appear to see fit thus to repress the publishing of this biased and defamatory report, which cannot be produced without harming me, the knowledge of this biased and defamatory report has been harming me severely for a year, and the Dean has stated he looks forward to it's publication, while my pleas and the pleas of people who know Dame Steel is conflicted and has done this report to absolve the Dean have been being sent to you for a year and have been ignored while you have allowed this report to proceed.
You do not know my side of things, you were not Bishop when Jane Fisher and Michael Scott-Joynt, aware that they had no power in Jersey, let me take the burden of what happened and did nothing, while I was left in a state of childhood by the churchwarden who regressed and abused me, left in that state to face the shunning in the community by the churchwarden's many connections and friends in church and other organizations, I was left to face a group of interconnected members of church laity - freemason - police - states - judiciary who gave me an inaccurate police record, saw me brutalized by police and treated as insane in order to ensure the churchwarden's reputation.
5 years later you launched into my life with the ill-informed Korris report and omitted my views and failed to add my views, leaving this report published on your website so that I could continue to be smeared, anguished and harmed, including complete strangers calling me mad and a criminal and other actions. These emotional anguishes have done lasting damage to my physical and mental health and it has taken all my strength to withstand this and not commit suicide, and your actions and refusal of my distress and views is an act of callous and unChristian hatred, why else would you leave a vulnerable and destitute adult suffering in this way?
To add, five years later when someone has, despite the damage, gone on with their life, is too late, both for the perpetrator and the victim, five years later is when wounds have been patched and memories are repressed or healing, and in my case, recalling Jane Fisher's repeated words 'It's in the past, why are you dragging it up?' and similar, although she never explained what or why, I had moved on and was in specialist psychological therapy, your actions in publishing the Korris report and allowing me to be defamed when I was voiceless and powerless meant that my therapy could not proceed, several breaks in therapy were allowed for you to have an opportunity to right the situation, but as you allowed it to drag on, I was forced to stop psychological therapy, which was greatly to my loss, and as you continue to harm me, I remain unable to proceed.
You and the Archbishop have recently, despite my pleas, continued press releases that cause me distress and disruption of my life.
After you shattered my life last year and I became ill, I was housed and have worked my way up to having a small flat and receiving daily support in the community, I also went through the process to become a full-time student in October, my wish to be in supported employment was at first rejected because of my state of health but today, when I would have been in a meeting to find a way round that, I had to cancel to serve these letters on you.
As a result of the continued harm and as a result of the very real possibility of me losing my life when you publish the conflicted Steel report, I am not going to be able to go into supported employment, or University, I am unable to keep my home and have no wish to be suddenly treated as I was when the Korris report was published, so once again, as your Diocese did in Jersey and as you did last year with the Korris report, you have left me destitute and destroyed, for no other reason than the fact that you have carried out a 'safeguarding' investigation that omits me when it is supposedly based on me and my historic complaint, and notably you focussed publicly and solely on my complaint against the Dean of Jersey, leading to the hate campaign and biased investigation, omitting the harm done to me by Jane Fisher and the police since I left Jersey, your investigation is thus not credible, especially as it omits my views, and is inhumane, especially as for 14 months I pleaded with you to stop harming me, and you have ignored me, thus showing your safeguarding complaint which is supposedly about me, to be nothing more than a prolonged act of harassment and harm to me, a voiceless and vulnerable adult.
Before you can release any more reports, you need to explain to me, and to the police and public, why what is effectively a very very severe and uncalled public punishment of me has been necessary after you have already had me imprisoned and given a criminal record, why you consider me not adequately punished by the criminal justice system that you have felt the need to twice destroy the efforts of someone with autism to remove themselves from homelessness and build quality of life, why you do not consider a criminal record enough of a permenant punishment and have needed to leave me publicly flogged and ruined, you have not taken such action against EY or FM for sexually assaulting me, indeed you have ensured both men and also any other abusers in your diocese are protected and provided for by the church in order to keep matters hushed up and the church's reputation protected, as happened with Malcolm Eastlake, the peadophile who worked alongside me in roles at my old church, he was called 'agood man really despite his peadophilia' and was not subjected to a publicly ruinous campaign of damage such as you have subjected me to.
Be aware that the above does mean that you are again, as Juliet Montague did years ago, telling me and the world, that because of my disability and trauma, I am considered by the Church to be worse than a peadophile, worse than someone who sexually assaults children and the vulnerable, and over the years that has been reinforced by your church in many ways, including Jane Fisher's bullying of me, violation of my human rights, personal life, privacy and dignity, and the way you have had me publicly brutalized by police and detained, while FM laughed at me in the street when I returned to Winchester homeless and destitute, because despite the fact that Jane Fisher was aware of the collaberation between the M's, Bob Key and the others to protect the churchwarden, ie they all say I am a troublemaker who makes false abuse allegations and they all get let off, Jane Fisher not only allowed this collaboration and furthered this bad name of me, she did not do anything about (FM). In fact she sent the Diocese's version of events to (JM) when I returned to Winchester from Jersey, despite the fact that (JM) was now acting on behalf of the abuser in Jersey and there was a complaint against FM as a result, despite the fact that JM never kept professional confidences but continually breached confidences to her family and FM and maligned me in the community, this led to me losing my closest friends on my return to Winchester, and both FM and EY had previous allegaltions of abuse against them and yet the church left me in their care and destroyed me for the resulting situations.
In everything, you have destroyed my character and community and abilities and left me unable to believe in myself, and again I say, you did not do this to any sex offender in your churches ever, you did not decide that their record, if they ever got one, was not enough, as you have with me, and internationally defame and destroy them through reports published on your website and promoted in the local and national press.
What sex offender, wife beater or other criminal associated with the Church of England who has deliberately commited wrongs has ever been publicly destroyed by you in reports that leave them silenced and defamed and so psychologically injured that they cannot live a normal life and are left deteriorating in physical health as a result of the huge and malicious damage? I see not such reports against any rapist, any murderer, any wife-beater or fraudster on your website, I see only reports that damage and defame a vulnerable adult who has suffered repeated police beatings and homelessness as a result of the Diocese of Winchester's actions.
And noticably, the report is about one survivor, not a group, not all survivors of the Diocese of Winchester, you have singled out one survivor and have horribly destroyed her for 14 months and ignored her pleas for it to stop.
One survivor, who unlike a
rapist or murderer, has not deliberately commited a crime but was unable to cope with 13 years of harm and abuse at the hands of the Church of England.
What you are doing in harming me is completely lacking in integrity, an example being your illegal referral of me to the NSPCC, I issued a second formal complaint against Jane Fisher last year, as her actions have been omitted from all of this, and in response you allowed her to refer me to the NSPCC last year without my consent, which was ridiculous as the NSPCC is a children's charity and I am an adult, you then told the media that you had been 'working hard to get me support', do you not understand the psychological harm of the continued illegal interventions by Jane Fisher, who is responsibility for the police record and brutality from which I will never recover and the even worse harm of the dishonesty about this in the press?
The ludicrous situation of you recently harming me in the press by claiming that you 'have to find a way to release the Steel report without harming me' is ludicrous, you cannot issue a report done against me to absolve the Dean and not harm me, you claim to have a 'panel' investigating how to release the report without harming me, who is on the panel? Jane Fisher, my bet would be yes.
You cannot release that report, done against me and having ignored my pleas and omitted me, and not harm me, you will kill me, you have crippled my life and caused me daily anguish for 14 months, I do not understand how you, professing to be a Christion, can be as heartless, as without conscience or remorse or accountability to God as to release a report that you know is inaccurate, that you know is conflicted and that you know is not a true and accurate result of a safeguarding complaint, basically, you will kill me when you release that report, and I have faced the end of hope and life and what I have built, and why? Because you have spent 14 months injuring me with what you call a safeguarding report, which has not safeguarded me, which has villified me, which has left me crippled, which has cost me my life and work and education and community and friends, how many convicted criminals in your church do you do this to? rapists, murderers, wife-beaters? No, there are no press releases, no media interviews, no reports on your website of you condemning a rapist, wrecking their life after they have been through the criminal justice system, and yet, you have done it to me, and are doing,
you claim to be trying not to hurt me, don't be stupid you have hurt me for 14 months and are hurting me beyond bearing, not just in your acts of hatred against me in the media and reports, but in the fact that you claim to have been investigating my claims and have done nothing of the sort, because you have refused to either include me or my mediator, you are aware I have emailed you, and you are aware my mediator has emailed you, you have refused to respond.
Now, how, if you ignore the person who you claim this safeguarding investigation is based on the complaints of, can you claim credibility in this matter?
You have vulnerable adult who has been made to suffer solidly for 14 months, on top of what she already suffered, and in the end you deny her side of things and allow the same people who hijacked the complaint and ran a smear campaign against her, to triumph, as they will in the local and national media, and already are doing as a result of you repeatedly and publicly clearing the Dean, from when you reinstated him recently, what better way to leave a victim ruined? and what better way to tell the world that the church is open to abusers and closed to the poor and vulnerable?
What better way to tell me, again on top of the thousands of times already stated, that I am of no worth that I should be made to suffer and be left dying defamed and ruined? And for what? A catastrphically mis-managed investigation which has acheived you publicly and repeatedly upholding a wrongdoer who has no conscience because his powerful friends thwarted any proper investigation, at my expense.
What I do not understand is why you felt the need to publicly destroy me, a public destroyal is not something a person ever recovers from, because it is not something that is ever forgotten, not by strangers who condemn me without knowing me, not by the people you put in the spotlight, not by me, not by anyone, the Korris report will not doubt, despite pleas, remain to defame and mislead for what remains of my life.
You have not done an investigation into my complaints yet, what you have done is a campaign of harm to me, obviously not accepting the criminal record you got me, you felt the need to publicly flog me and share my percieved sins with the world, while upholding in the public spotlight, those who are doing and have done wrong, I did not provoke you to treat me with hatred and contempt nor did I do anything to incite the acts of hatred and harm you have inflicted in your media campaign that does not represent the true story.
I am not going to say anything about how you are in the wrong with God, because I know that if you can do as you have done, you have no conscience and do not care, but what I will say is that if you and your actions and attitude are representative of Christianity and a senior Christian leader then the world has become a very dark place indeed.
The other very notable point in this matter is that you have branded me as mentally ill thoughout this matter but have not been able to give a specific because I am not, as my psychological report, available on my blog and to you through my email and your representative states, and as all reports as a result of being brutalized and detained state, I am not seriously mentally ill, I am autistic and suffered more trauma and psychological harm than I could cope with.
What you are doing in branding me and having me publicly flogged is this, you are stating to the world that, a) people with mental illness are not credible, b) people with mental illness have no rights and publicly exposing them and branding them is acceptable, c) it is ok to ensight hatred agaist people with mental illness, as you have done in Jersey and to complete strangers throughout the community who have damaged me as result of you inaccurate reports.
Generally your attitude and that of the church comes from the very dark ages and is severely misleading, damaging and inaccurate. And it is a great shame that throughout this matter, influenced by the words 'Bishop', 'Diocese', 'lawyers' and other big words, the police have taken the same attitude, and instead of protecting me from Diocesan intervention as asked to for six years, they prefer to beat me, detain me,jeer at me from outside the cell that I am mad and bad, for 'harrassing' the clergy who have destroyed me,
and act as if the perceived mental illness and suicidal despair are crimes, while continuing to allow you to harm me unchecked.
I would ask that from today onwards, you stop publicly judging and flogging me and upholding wrongdoers through reports, that you do not release the Steel report or any part of it, as it is conflicted and will be the end of me, you will be aware by now that I am dying and do not need to die estranged yet
again from my community and friends by a biased and defamatory report done against me on behalf of wrongdoers to absolve them, as you already publicly have, and to defame and destroy me.
In all of this you appear to forget the basic principals of Christianity and you are not representing God, you have forgotten that Jesus taught forgiveness, and the release of the Steel report would be an act of hatred towards someone who forgives her destroyers and has moved on and wishes to rest and die peacefully among her friends and community, you are about to again publicly flog a woman who has made her confession to God and been baptized anew and did not provoke your terrible dragging up of the past to flog her for 14 months solid at a time when she is trying to make her peace with the world and enjoy as best she can, the time she has left.
Finally and formally, I would ask that you desist from your actions against me in press releases and the release of harmful, biased and actions, I would ask you to stop harassing and defaming me and causing mental and emotional anguish by releasing reports and media statements and interviews that injure me.
This is a cease and desist warning letter from the vulnerable adult known as HG in your reports, press releases and interviews,
who is being harmed by you and has been harmed by you constantly despite her pleas daily by phone and email for this damage to stop.
You are aware from the content of this letter that if you continue this harm you will destroy this vulnerable adult and to no good result and for no good reason.
You are also aware that as a result of your actions I have written a blog, to tell you and others what has been happening to me, you will be aware if you read the daily blog, that I am deteriorating and that I am angry and upset and do not understand your unforgiveness, hatred, in what you are doing, effectively constuctively destroying me, for what reason? to what aim? To pander to the powerful men who answered your foolhardy public attack on one of their politicians, the Dean of Jersey?
You need to come to your senses and do as you should have done in the first place, deal with your clergy discipline matters in private, because no matter what I am perceived to have done in this six year one-sided matter, my side is suppressed, I am being destroyed, and you, if not a Christian, as a human being, should know that there is no good outcome for me in this and no reason for you to go on injuring me at this late stage.
Imagine if your daughter, Anna, was not from a wealthy, stable family and instead was vulnerable, alone and abused because of her vulnerability, imagine if she suffered years of harm at the hands of clergy and people who call themselves Christians, imagine her being publicly humiliated and imagine her standing there, curling up and dying inside, voiceless as relentless condemnation pours over her and she has no voice, as powerful people who claim to be Christians, publicly stone her and repeatedly destroy the life she has fought to build.
Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? Can you see what you are doing to a vulnerable child of God? Can you stop before you prematurely extinguish a human life for the sake of the Church and wrongdoer's reputation? Or are you still human enough to remember the basics of Christianity and let this destroyed person die peacefully with her friends and community around her?
This letter asks again for you to stop harming me, to cease and desist. I enclose the formal legal letter sent to you last year in November in answer to the harm being inflicted and state that you have not ceased to harm me since then and that my correspondence with you has been me pleading with you as a result.
From the moment you receive this letter, you are to desist from any form of further harm to me.
HG, Jersey abuse complainant, known as ************* to the Diocese.
My blogs about this matter are
and Bob's Blog
16/05/2014 Winchester
Dear Bishop Tim Dakin, and clergy, employees and staff,
I am writing regarding your continued harm to me in the media and press.
I am writing to explain to you that you are harming me and that you must stop.
Last year I wrote you a legal letter and asked you to desist from harassing and harming me, I received no response.
Last year you illegally and wrongly had me traced and allowed a hate campaign that smeared my name when you released a report known as the 'Korris' report, you allowed this report to be published on the web despite the fact it was harmful to me and inaccurate.
You refused to remove or amend this report despite the fact that it caused me severe psychological and social harm.
For example I was easily recognized from it, there are not many autistic homeless women on the streets in my age bracket who have been abused by church.
As a result I was made to leave my church where I had support and felt safe, my name was then released to the general public by Philip Bailhache, one of the members of the group of the church officer-lawyer-judiciary-freemason group who ran the hate campaign against me as a result of the inaccurate and permenantly injurious Korris report, which you did nothing about.
As a result of your release of this report without my imput and the subsequent media hate campaign, and complete strangers maligning and condemning me, I suffered illness, and have not recovered, last Autumn I was forced leave college as a result of your reports and the response to them, last autumn I was so sick and tired that my friends were unable to remain supporting me as they had been as we rebuilt my life, and I was severely ill as a result of waiting for you to publish a report that you had been told was conflicted and done against me by a conflicted judge with connections with Philip Bailhache, the report was known to be biased in order to clear the Dean and defame me, and yet you have left me suffering and waiting for this report which will destroy me, to be published.
This report was written with 8 hours of interview from the Dean by Dame Steel, and a member of your clergy, Gavin Ashenden who is a lawyer and former chaplain to the Queen was also interviewed even though he was not in Jersey when I was there and has never met me, but has been very loud in his support of the Dean and his damnation of me, he has played a key part in the smear campaign against me, as he is qualified to credibly defame me and support the Dean.
I have not been interviewed for the Steel report, as you know, just as my views were ommited from the Korris report, and safeguarding officer, Jane Fisher, who has harmed me and got me a criminal record, was able to influence the Korris report, ensuring that her behaviour was omitted.
You did not contact me previous to the Korris report being published, you did not ensure that I still had a complaint or that I wanted to proceed with a complaint, you did not ensure that my views were included and you did not take into account the psychological and social harm to me that the Korris report caused and is causing, you are aware and have made the general public aware that the Steel report will harm me, you do not appear to see fit thus to repress the publishing of this biased and defamatory report, which cannot be produced without harming me, the knowledge of this biased and defamatory report has been harming me severely for a year, and the Dean has stated he looks forward to it's publication, while my pleas and the pleas of people who know Dame Steel is conflicted and has done this report to absolve the Dean have been being sent to you for a year and have been ignored while you have allowed this report to proceed.
You do not know my side of things, you were not Bishop when Jane Fisher and Michael Scott-Joynt, aware that they had no power in Jersey, let me take the burden of what happened and did nothing, while I was left in a state of childhood by the churchwarden who regressed and abused me, left in that state to face the shunning in the community by the churchwarden's many connections and friends in church and other organizations, I was left to face a group of interconnected members of church laity - freemason - police - states - judiciary who gave me an inaccurate police record, saw me brutalized by police and treated as insane in order to ensure the churchwarden's reputation.
5 years later you launched into my life with the ill-informed Korris report and omitted my views and failed to add my views, leaving this report published on your website so that I could continue to be smeared, anguished and harmed, including complete strangers calling me mad and a criminal and other actions. These emotional anguishes have done lasting damage to my physical and mental health and it has taken all my strength to withstand this and not commit suicide, and your actions and refusal of my distress and views is an act of callous and unChristian hatred, why else would you leave a vulnerable and destitute adult suffering in this way?
To add, five years later when someone has, despite the damage, gone on with their life, is too late, both for the perpetrator and the victim, five years later is when wounds have been patched and memories are repressed or healing, and in my case, recalling Jane Fisher's repeated words 'It's in the past, why are you dragging it up?' and similar, although she never explained what or why, I had moved on and was in specialist psychological therapy, your actions in publishing the Korris report and allowing me to be defamed when I was voiceless and powerless meant that my therapy could not proceed, several breaks in therapy were allowed for you to have an opportunity to right the situation, but as you allowed it to drag on, I was forced to stop psychological therapy, which was greatly to my loss, and as you continue to harm me, I remain unable to proceed.
You and the Archbishop have recently, despite my pleas, continued press releases that cause me distress and disruption of my life.
After you shattered my life last year and I became ill, I was housed and have worked my way up to having a small flat and receiving daily support in the community, I also went through the process to become a full-time student in October, my wish to be in supported employment was at first rejected because of my state of health but today, when I would have been in a meeting to find a way round that, I had to cancel to serve these letters on you.
As a result of the continued harm and as a result of the very real possibility of me losing my life when you publish the conflicted Steel report, I am not going to be able to go into supported employment, or University, I am unable to keep my home and have no wish to be suddenly treated as I was when the Korris report was published, so once again, as your Diocese did in Jersey and as you did last year with the Korris report, you have left me destitute and destroyed, for no other reason than the fact that you have carried out a 'safeguarding' investigation that omits me when it is supposedly based on me and my historic complaint, and notably you focussed publicly and solely on my complaint against the Dean of Jersey, leading to the hate campaign and biased investigation, omitting the harm done to me by Jane Fisher and the police since I left Jersey, your investigation is thus not credible, especially as it omits my views, and is inhumane, especially as for 14 months I pleaded with you to stop harming me, and you have ignored me, thus showing your safeguarding complaint which is supposedly about me, to be nothing more than a prolonged act of harassment and harm to me, a voiceless and vulnerable adult.
Before you can release any more reports, you need to explain to me, and to the police and public, why what is effectively a very very severe and uncalled public punishment of me has been necessary after you have already had me imprisoned and given a criminal record, why you consider me not adequately punished by the criminal justice system that you have felt the need to twice destroy the efforts of someone with autism to remove themselves from homelessness and build quality of life, why you do not consider a criminal record enough of a permenant punishment and have needed to leave me publicly flogged and ruined, you have not taken such action against EY or FM for sexually assaulting me, indeed you have ensured both men and also any other abusers in your diocese are protected and provided for by the church in order to keep matters hushed up and the church's reputation protected, as happened with Malcolm Eastlake, the peadophile who worked alongside me in roles at my old church, he was called 'agood man really despite his peadophilia' and was not subjected to a publicly ruinous campaign of damage such as you have subjected me to.
Be aware that the above does mean that you are again, as Juliet Montague did years ago, telling me and the world, that because of my disability and trauma, I am considered by the Church to be worse than a peadophile, worse than someone who sexually assaults children and the vulnerable, and over the years that has been reinforced by your church in many ways, including Jane Fisher's bullying of me, violation of my human rights, personal life, privacy and dignity, and the way you have had me publicly brutalized by police and detained, while FM laughed at me in the street when I returned to Winchester homeless and destitute, because despite the fact that Jane Fisher was aware of the collaberation between the M's, Bob Key and the others to protect the churchwarden, ie they all say I am a troublemaker who makes false abuse allegations and they all get let off, Jane Fisher not only allowed this collaboration and furthered this bad name of me, she did not do anything about (FM). In fact she sent the Diocese's version of events to (JM) when I returned to Winchester from Jersey, despite the fact that (JM) was now acting on behalf of the abuser in Jersey and there was a complaint against FM as a result, despite the fact that JM never kept professional confidences but continually breached confidences to her family and FM and maligned me in the community, this led to me losing my closest friends on my return to Winchester, and both FM and EY had previous allegaltions of abuse against them and yet the church left me in their care and destroyed me for the resulting situations.
In everything, you have destroyed my character and community and abilities and left me unable to believe in myself, and again I say, you did not do this to any sex offender in your churches ever, you did not decide that their record, if they ever got one, was not enough, as you have with me, and internationally defame and destroy them through reports published on your website and promoted in the local and national press.
What sex offender, wife beater or other criminal associated with the Church of England who has deliberately commited wrongs has ever been publicly destroyed by you in reports that leave them silenced and defamed and so psychologically injured that they cannot live a normal life and are left deteriorating in physical health as a result of the huge and malicious damage? I see not such reports against any rapist, any murderer, any wife-beater or fraudster on your website, I see only reports that damage and defame a vulnerable adult who has suffered repeated police beatings and homelessness as a result of the Diocese of Winchester's actions.
And noticably, the report is about one survivor, not a group, not all survivors of the Diocese of Winchester, you have singled out one survivor and have horribly destroyed her for 14 months and ignored her pleas for it to stop.
One survivor, who unlike a
rapist or murderer, has not deliberately commited a crime but was unable to cope with 13 years of harm and abuse at the hands of the Church of England.
What you are doing in harming me is completely lacking in integrity, an example being your illegal referral of me to the NSPCC, I issued a second formal complaint against Jane Fisher last year, as her actions have been omitted from all of this, and in response you allowed her to refer me to the NSPCC last year without my consent, which was ridiculous as the NSPCC is a children's charity and I am an adult, you then told the media that you had been 'working hard to get me support', do you not understand the psychological harm of the continued illegal interventions by Jane Fisher, who is responsibility for the police record and brutality from which I will never recover and the even worse harm of the dishonesty about this in the press?
The ludicrous situation of you recently harming me in the press by claiming that you 'have to find a way to release the Steel report without harming me' is ludicrous, you cannot issue a report done against me to absolve the Dean and not harm me, you claim to have a 'panel' investigating how to release the report without harming me, who is on the panel? Jane Fisher, my bet would be yes.
You cannot release that report, done against me and having ignored my pleas and omitted me, and not harm me, you will kill me, you have crippled my life and caused me daily anguish for 14 months, I do not understand how you, professing to be a Christion, can be as heartless, as without conscience or remorse or accountability to God as to release a report that you know is inaccurate, that you know is conflicted and that you know is not a true and accurate result of a safeguarding complaint, basically, you will kill me when you release that report, and I have faced the end of hope and life and what I have built, and why? Because you have spent 14 months injuring me with what you call a safeguarding report, which has not safeguarded me, which has villified me, which has left me crippled, which has cost me my life and work and education and community and friends, how many convicted criminals in your church do you do this to? rapists, murderers, wife-beaters? No, there are no press releases, no media interviews, no reports on your website of you condemning a rapist, wrecking their life after they have been through the criminal justice system, and yet, you have done it to me, and are doing,
you claim to be trying not to hurt me, don't be stupid you have hurt me for 14 months and are hurting me beyond bearing, not just in your acts of hatred against me in the media and reports, but in the fact that you claim to have been investigating my claims and have done nothing of the sort, because you have refused to either include me or my mediator, you are aware I have emailed you, and you are aware my mediator has emailed you, you have refused to respond.
Now, how, if you ignore the person who you claim this safeguarding investigation is based on the complaints of, can you claim credibility in this matter?
You have vulnerable adult who has been made to suffer solidly for 14 months, on top of what she already suffered, and in the end you deny her side of things and allow the same people who hijacked the complaint and ran a smear campaign against her, to triumph, as they will in the local and national media, and already are doing as a result of you repeatedly and publicly clearing the Dean, from when you reinstated him recently, what better way to leave a victim ruined? and what better way to tell the world that the church is open to abusers and closed to the poor and vulnerable?
What better way to tell me, again on top of the thousands of times already stated, that I am of no worth that I should be made to suffer and be left dying defamed and ruined? And for what? A catastrphically mis-managed investigation which has acheived you publicly and repeatedly upholding a wrongdoer who has no conscience because his powerful friends thwarted any proper investigation, at my expense.
What I do not understand is why you felt the need to publicly destroy me, a public destroyal is not something a person ever recovers from, because it is not something that is ever forgotten, not by strangers who condemn me without knowing me, not by the people you put in the spotlight, not by me, not by anyone, the Korris report will not doubt, despite pleas, remain to defame and mislead for what remains of my life.
You have not done an investigation into my complaints yet, what you have done is a campaign of harm to me, obviously not accepting the criminal record you got me, you felt the need to publicly flog me and share my percieved sins with the world, while upholding in the public spotlight, those who are doing and have done wrong, I did not provoke you to treat me with hatred and contempt nor did I do anything to incite the acts of hatred and harm you have inflicted in your media campaign that does not represent the true story.
I am not going to say anything about how you are in the wrong with God, because I know that if you can do as you have done, you have no conscience and do not care, but what I will say is that if you and your actions and attitude are representative of Christianity and a senior Christian leader then the world has become a very dark place indeed.
The other very notable point in this matter is that you have branded me as mentally ill thoughout this matter but have not been able to give a specific because I am not, as my psychological report, available on my blog and to you through my email and your representative states, and as all reports as a result of being brutalized and detained state, I am not seriously mentally ill, I am autistic and suffered more trauma and psychological harm than I could cope with.
What you are doing in branding me and having me publicly flogged is this, you are stating to the world that, a) people with mental illness are not credible, b) people with mental illness have no rights and publicly exposing them and branding them is acceptable, c) it is ok to ensight hatred agaist people with mental illness, as you have done in Jersey and to complete strangers throughout the community who have damaged me as result of you inaccurate reports.
Generally your attitude and that of the church comes from the very dark ages and is severely misleading, damaging and inaccurate. And it is a great shame that throughout this matter, influenced by the words 'Bishop', 'Diocese', 'lawyers' and other big words, the police have taken the same attitude, and instead of protecting me from Diocesan intervention as asked to for six years, they prefer to beat me, detain me,jeer at me from outside the cell that I am mad and bad, for 'harrassing' the clergy who have destroyed me,
and act as if the perceived mental illness and suicidal despair are crimes, while continuing to allow you to harm me unchecked.
I would ask that from today onwards, you stop publicly judging and flogging me and upholding wrongdoers through reports, that you do not release the Steel report or any part of it, as it is conflicted and will be the end of me, you will be aware by now that I am dying and do not need to die estranged yet
again from my community and friends by a biased and defamatory report done against me on behalf of wrongdoers to absolve them, as you already publicly have, and to defame and destroy me.
In all of this you appear to forget the basic principals of Christianity and you are not representing God, you have forgotten that Jesus taught forgiveness, and the release of the Steel report would be an act of hatred towards someone who forgives her destroyers and has moved on and wishes to rest and die peacefully among her friends and community, you are about to again publicly flog a woman who has made her confession to God and been baptized anew and did not provoke your terrible dragging up of the past to flog her for 14 months solid at a time when she is trying to make her peace with the world and enjoy as best she can, the time she has left.
Finally and formally, I would ask that you desist from your actions against me in press releases and the release of harmful, biased and actions, I would ask you to stop harassing and defaming me and causing mental and emotional anguish by releasing reports and media statements and interviews that injure me.
This is a cease and desist warning letter from the vulnerable adult known as HG in your reports, press releases and interviews,
who is being harmed by you and has been harmed by you constantly despite her pleas daily by phone and email for this damage to stop.
You are aware from the content of this letter that if you continue this harm you will destroy this vulnerable adult and to no good result and for no good reason.
You are also aware that as a result of your actions I have written a blog, to tell you and others what has been happening to me, you will be aware if you read the daily blog, that I am deteriorating and that I am angry and upset and do not understand your unforgiveness, hatred, in what you are doing, effectively constuctively destroying me, for what reason? to what aim? To pander to the powerful men who answered your foolhardy public attack on one of their politicians, the Dean of Jersey?
You need to come to your senses and do as you should have done in the first place, deal with your clergy discipline matters in private, because no matter what I am perceived to have done in this six year one-sided matter, my side is suppressed, I am being destroyed, and you, if not a Christian, as a human being, should know that there is no good outcome for me in this and no reason for you to go on injuring me at this late stage.
Imagine if your daughter, Anna, was not from a wealthy, stable family and instead was vulnerable, alone and abused because of her vulnerability, imagine if she suffered years of harm at the hands of clergy and people who call themselves Christians, imagine her being publicly humiliated and imagine her standing there, curling up and dying inside, voiceless as relentless condemnation pours over her and she has no voice, as powerful people who claim to be Christians, publicly stone her and repeatedly destroy the life she has fought to build.
Can you imagine it? Can you imagine it? Can you see what you are doing to a vulnerable child of God? Can you stop before you prematurely extinguish a human life for the sake of the Church and wrongdoer's reputation? Or are you still human enough to remember the basics of Christianity and let this destroyed person die peacefully with her friends and community around her?
This letter asks again for you to stop harming me, to cease and desist. I enclose the formal legal letter sent to you last year in November in answer to the harm being inflicted and state that you have not ceased to harm me since then and that my correspondence with you has been me pleading with you as a result.
From the moment you receive this letter, you are to desist from any form of further harm to me.
HG, Jersey abuse complainant, known as ************* to the Diocese.
My blogs about this matter are
and Bob's Blog
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Essential Reading 7
Thursday, 21 November 2013
non-essential but helpful reading 4

Good morning.
Hopelessness continues.
The complexity of people going behind my back and trying to make life decisions for me against my will, and my reaction has been severe and I am tired and shaky all the time.
My mediator and a friend of his called Julie, contacted someone representing the church of england about me, and apparently made arrangements about me without my input or consent, at the same time as the Diocese of Winchester started threatening my life and liberty again.
The Diocese of Winchester have refused my complaint and harmed me badly and constantly and have no right to a say in my life at all. I am living in terror of them forcing on me and knowing I am open and vulnerable to attacks by them and the police, I am defenceless and have managed to make myself very vulnerable both by letting my location be known and by allowing another disasterous pastoral care relationship to rock my life.
I remember how my parents used to say that spirits and demons were responsible for bad things, especially bad things by authorities, and so, to amuse myself in the early hours as I no longer sleep properly, I looked up spirits, guardians, and powers behind the Diocese of Winchester, I found St. Swithun and that is all, I do not think he is responsible for this almighty horror, and I rarely pray to Saints as it is not appropriate, but I prayed that he would intercede in this injustice and do a miracle like he did with the basket of eggs.
I think the sheer force of the Diocese and the sheer injustice can only be Satan's work.
My side is drowned out and I am villified with my side of my reactions not being heard.

Good morning.
Hopelessness continues.
The complexity of people going behind my back and trying to make life decisions for me against my will, and my reaction has been severe and I am tired and shaky all the time.
My mediator and a friend of his called Julie, contacted someone representing the church of england about me, and apparently made arrangements about me without my input or consent, at the same time as the Diocese of Winchester started threatening my life and liberty again.
The Diocese of Winchester have refused my complaint and harmed me badly and constantly and have no right to a say in my life at all. I am living in terror of them forcing on me and knowing I am open and vulnerable to attacks by them and the police, I am defenceless and have managed to make myself very vulnerable both by letting my location be known and by allowing another disasterous pastoral care relationship to rock my life.
I remember how my parents used to say that spirits and demons were responsible for bad things, especially bad things by authorities, and so, to amuse myself in the early hours as I no longer sleep properly, I looked up spirits, guardians, and powers behind the Diocese of Winchester, I found St. Swithun and that is all, I do not think he is responsible for this almighty horror, and I rarely pray to Saints as it is not appropriate, but I prayed that he would intercede in this injustice and do a miracle like he did with the basket of eggs.
I think the sheer force of the Diocese and the sheer injustice can only be Satan's work.
My side is drowned out and I am villified with my side of my reactions not being heard.
Essential reading 6

Non-essential but helpful reading 4
Thoughts provoked by media this morning.
What if Bishops, those high up in the big houses and with all the power, started talking the issues of abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
By tackling I do not mean spouting off in the media, glorifying themselves or reluctantly facing the hundreds of abuse and misconduct complaints that they receive.
It would be better for their souls than their usual routines of pomp and high profile fattening dinners.
The Day Bishops start actively helping abuse victims, making proper provision for their welfare and recovery, and dealing with the abusers openly, then things will change.
I am not talking about my case. I am talking about in every case.
Thank you to the two people who have written to the Diocese and sent me a copy of the letter/email for my blog.
anyone else writing to the Diocese is very welcome to send me a copy for the blog.
And remember to keep a copy for your records for when the inevitable happens.
The Diocese of Winchester have been so much more than a thorn in my flesh for such a very long time, but the thing is, when I was fighting them alone, I was an easy target and they destroyed me very effectively, and this year, when they sadistically came back for more, I do not think they expected any resistance, I guess they would have hoped my suicide to be a in May at the latest, but it is November now, and I have lived to see some of the beautiful cold autumn, and I am grateful to God, although I have suffered more than a human being should be able to bear.
Thoughts provoked by media this morning.
What if Bishops, those high up in the big houses and with all the power, started talking the issues of abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
By tackling I do not mean spouting off in the media, glorifying themselves or reluctantly facing the hundreds of abuse and misconduct complaints that they receive.
It would be better for their souls than their usual routines of pomp and high profile fattening dinners.
The Day Bishops start actively helping abuse victims, making proper provision for their welfare and recovery, and dealing with the abusers openly, then things will change.
I am not talking about my case. I am talking about in every case.
Thank you to the two people who have written to the Diocese and sent me a copy of the letter/email for my blog.
anyone else writing to the Diocese is very welcome to send me a copy for the blog.
And remember to keep a copy for your records for when the inevitable happens.
The Diocese of Winchester have been so much more than a thorn in my flesh for such a very long time, but the thing is, when I was fighting them alone, I was an easy target and they destroyed me very effectively, and this year, when they sadistically came back for more, I do not think they expected any resistance, I guess they would have hoped my suicide to be a in May at the latest, but it is November now, and I have lived to see some of the beautiful cold autumn, and I am grateful to God, although I have suffered more than a human being should be able to bear.
Essential Reading 5
Here are three important Characters in the Bible - Job, David, Jesus.
They all suffered homelessness, anguish and pain.
Have the people in the Church of England who have damaged me suffered these things? No.
I have.
What it has been like for me on the streets:
The comments on Bob's blog are throwing up some interesting things, very interesting.
I still do not know what a pneumatic is, but it is good to know that there are people reading and understanding that I am not just the villian that Bailhache, LeMarquand, Willing and Steel and the rest of them make me out to be on Bob Key's behalf.
Here are three important Characters in the Bible - Job, David, Jesus.
They all suffered homelessness, anguish and pain.
Have the people in the Church of England who have damaged me suffered these things? No.
I have.
What it has been like for me on the streets:
The comments on Bob's blog are throwing up some interesting things, very interesting.
I still do not know what a pneumatic is, but it is good to know that there are people reading and understanding that I am not just the villian that Bailhache, LeMarquand, Willing and Steel and the rest of them make me out to be on Bob Key's behalf.
Essential reading continued 4 -letters to the Bishop/longer descriptions of CofE
For those who don't know, Dame Steel was supposed to complete her report in November and told Bob Hill her report was nearly completed and thus his and my views were not relevant at that stage, the Bishop then claimed the report was not to be published due to legal action, and now the claim is that the report has only just been finished, and that it is to be published, the so-called legal action is not mentioned, and it is obvious from Bishop Dakin, that the report is indeed against me, and he intends to damn me by publishing it, and refuses to engage with the fact that the report was hijacked and conflicted and my side has been omitted, and that there was illegal accessing of inaccurate police records from a force conflicted by their overseers being in church and government positions.
For those who don't know, Dame Steel was supposed to complete her report in November and told Bob Hill her report was nearly completed and thus his and my views were not relevant at that stage, the Bishop then claimed the report was not to be published due to legal action, and now the claim is that the report has only just been finished, and that it is to be published, the so-called legal action is not mentioned, and it is obvious from Bishop Dakin, that the report is indeed against me, and he intends to damn me by publishing it, and refuses to engage with the fact that the report was hijacked and conflicted and my side has been omitted, and that there was illegal accessing of inaccurate police records from a force conflicted by their overseers being in church and government positions.
Bishop Dakin,
Monday, 19 May 2014
Please note
The Chronologies being published are being moved from the main blog to 'pages' on the sidebar or below the blog, to allow the main blog to continue to be regenerated.
And a thought, this chronology takes you up to age19, if I had been intending to be a troublemaker, that would have been established by then. I was a very lost confused person, not a troublemaker and not dishonest, I was trying to make my way in the world.
And a thought, this chronology takes you up to age19, if I had been intending to be a troublemaker, that would have been established by then. I was a very lost confused person, not a troublemaker and not dishonest, I was trying to make my way in the world.
Sunday, 18 May 2014
non-essential but helpful reading 3
How to make yourselves look good through abuse victims -for the church of england
After your spectacular failure to impress anyone, especially church abuse victims in your recent use of us in the press, I have a suggestion, which would be well within the very skewed ethics of the church of england.
Why don't you create and groom an 'abuse victim' to sing your praises and harp on about how the church of england has looked after them so well since the abuse and they forgive the church and all is puppies and flowers.
You will never get a real victim to do that, as you treat abuse victims appallingly even while doing your show for the press. So pay someone to do it, that would be well within the church of england's ethics, it would not sit on your consciences or be wrong in your eyes, after all, you can say your lines on Sunday and God forgives you.
Why don't you create and groom an 'abuse victim' to sing your praises and harp on about how the church of england has looked after them so well since the abuse and they forgive the church and all is puppies and flowers.
You will never get a real victim to do that, as you treat abuse victims appallingly even while doing your show for the press. So pay someone to do it, that would be well within the church of england's ethics, it would not sit on your consciences or be wrong in your eyes, after all, you can say your lines on Sunday and God forgives you.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
I wonder if Jane Fisher realised in 2008 as she blatantly covered up at my expense and traumatized me, that in the end this would not stay covered up, not with all her efforts to use the Korris report and press as a 'wonderful boast' rather than an exposure of wrongdoing including her own.
The wonderful boast went wrong in my opinion, no one looks at the tiny articles on the diocesan website that boast at my expense and try to make diocesan safeguarding great when it isn't, and no-one believes that what has been done is great, it is a massive shambles.
The wonderful boast went wrong in my opinion, no one looks at the tiny articles on the diocesan website that boast at my expense and try to make diocesan safeguarding great when it isn't, and no-one believes that what has been done is great, it is a massive shambles.
Essential Reading 3 vital 2nd link
New re-post
New re-post
Old posts, helpful but non-essential reading 2
The Church of England's investigations, which miss the point, don't investigate my side of things or my complaints, are on a course to seriously harm me once again, thus I am launching OUR INVESTIGATION:
This consists of me answering questions from any blog readers, any reasonable questions, you can send them via email or via the comment form.
I am not bothered if Jonny the troll sends any, I will have a good laugh :)
the email address is:
I have been asked what I want.
That is a good question, especially as I have flu and my energy has run out, but I will make a start.
I am interested to see the jump in the blog stats this evening too.
Well I can't really have what I want, my life and good character and everything that was ripped from me restored. Which is what I would want.
So what else could I want?
First and foremost to see Jane Fisher removed from working with vulnerable people and disciplined.
For my side to be heard.
For Dame Heather Steel to be removed and for her friend Philip Bailhache to lose his dictatorship so that there can be justice in Jersey in the real sense of the word, especially for abuse survivors.
For people to be made accountable for their wrongs, which is not the same thing as the Diocese of Winchester scapegoating them for publicity or letting them off because of pressure to do so.
I think that is enough for tonight, I am suffering badly with flu deep deep trauma on the anniversary of my death at the hands of the diocese of winchester.
The Church of England's investigations, which miss the point, don't investigate my side of things or my complaints, are on a course to seriously harm me once again, thus I am launching OUR INVESTIGATION:
This consists of me answering questions from any blog readers, any reasonable questions, you can send them via email or via the comment form.
I am not bothered if Jonny the troll sends any, I will have a good laugh :)
the email address is:
I have been asked what I want.
That is a good question, especially as I have flu and my energy has run out, but I will make a start.
I am interested to see the jump in the blog stats this evening too.
Well I can't really have what I want, my life and good character and everything that was ripped from me restored. Which is what I would want.
So what else could I want?
First and foremost to see Jane Fisher removed from working with vulnerable people and disciplined.
For my side to be heard.
For Dame Heather Steel to be removed and for her friend Philip Bailhache to lose his dictatorship so that there can be justice in Jersey in the real sense of the word, especially for abuse survivors.
For people to be made accountable for their wrongs, which is not the same thing as the Diocese of Winchester scapegoating them for publicity or letting them off because of pressure to do so.
I think that is enough for tonight, I am suffering badly with flu deep deep trauma on the anniversary of my death at the hands of the diocese of winchester.
Legal Abuse
This was posted by a reader of one of the Jersey blogs in response, it is very interesting.
Essential reading 2
I offer you the blogs being written by the kind Jersey bloggers:
It is particulalry shocking how the wealthy and powerful have forgotten Jesus in their worship of power and use of the church for it.
And back to my blog:
I offer you the blogs being written by the kind Jersey bloggers:
It is particulalry shocking how the wealthy and powerful have forgotten Jesus in their worship of power and use of the church for it.
And back to my blog:
Statement to BBC Jersey 11/10/2013
On the Anniversary of my return from Jersey to Winchester I have a statement for BBC Jersey.
I have been profoundly damaged by the way the Diocese of Winchester have acted since March, the Korris report omitted my views and my complaint against Safeguarding Director Jane Fisher, the Diocese of Winchester have shown no care or concern for me whatsoever and have been unpleasant to the point of threatening me when I begged them not to intervene in my life as they did previously on my return from Winchester to Jersey.
I do not agree with the way the Diocese of Winchester have handled this and I think they way they left me to be harmed by the smear campaign run by the Deanery of Jersey, and tried to tell me it was not happening was appalling.
I do not see the Diocese of Winchester's aim in all this, they seem directionless and if my welfare in all of this has been irrelevant to them, then I am not sure how they can claim that it is about the welfare of vulnerable people.
I have protested and so has Bob Hill, and so have many other people, that Dame Heather Steel is conflicted and thus she should not be involved in the enquiry, so I would like to state on the BBC that Dame Steel's enquiry is not to do with my complaint as far as I am concerned, and is not valid, and she has been asked to withdraw, thus whatever she publishes is not relevant to my complaint.
My complaint is about Jane Fisher and the Bishop and Diocese of Winchester and their handling of this, but at present, the Church of England are continuing to refuse to investigate my complaint.
Bringing posts from last year to the top of the blog non-essential but helpful reading 1.
Well, angry rumblings are certainly coming from the church and the police.
Since I am not reading the angry rumblings, but am surprisingly getting emails from all quarters, I will take a guess.
Dame Steel, colleague and friend of Bailhache, Falle and others in Jersey's magic circle/political clique, is about to launch her attack on me and clear the wrongdoers.
Why bother, Steel, what is the point of this to me? It is in the past for me.
Day four of the flu with a very full weekend coming up, lets hope that Steel and the Diocese do not callously launch their 'report' now.
Well, angry rumblings are certainly coming from the church and the police.
Since I am not reading the angry rumblings, but am surprisingly getting emails from all quarters, I will take a guess.
Dame Steel, colleague and friend of Bailhache, Falle and others in Jersey's magic circle/political clique, is about to launch her attack on me and clear the wrongdoers.
Why bother, Steel, what is the point of this to me? It is in the past for me.
Saturday, 5 October 2013
yesses and no's
- no, the police, the church of england and anyone connected with them are not to contact me.
- yes I will go mad every time they do.
- no, there is no genuine inquiry into my complaints
- yes the diocese and their 'enquiries' are a lie.
In the end of my days in Winchester before I was driven out by Jane Fisher, I phoned the diocese many times and asked for Jane Fisher to be withdrawn from my life.
This was used against me by Jane Fisher and claimed to be harrassment.
How ridiculous is it that she was able to go on and on harming me behind my back and without my permission and yet she got me done for protesting.
And yet, the police treated me as mad and refused my complaint against her!
This is how this whole thing has been. One-sided, I have been treated as mad and bad and branded, while Fisher remains free to destroy vulnerable people.
As long as the Diocese of Winchester and the Church of England keep jane Fisher working with vulnerable adults after the way she has destroyed me and exonorated herself, they are making it clear, stating it, that they do not care about safeguarding.
I don't need to add to that. that is a statement.
Monday, 7 October 2013
The stats on the blog are rocketing skywards this morning, but please remember this is only the beginning of a blog that covers 13+ years of hell at the hands of the Diocese of Winchester, culiminating in their fireworks display of an attack on my life and character this year. Stay tuned.
here's one way of looking at it, the Diocese of Winchester launched on me aggressively, violated my life and humiliated me, they obviously want a fight, and until they are forcibly withdrawn, I will oblige.
Day four of the flu with a very full weekend coming up, lets hope that Steel and the Diocese do not callously launch their 'report' now.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
'You do not matter' is the message loud and clear, from the Church of England, 'You are not relevant, neither are your experiences or feelings or rights, because you are poor, disabled, from a disadvantaged background, you do not matter to us and we not will not protect you from abuse, but we will protect abusers and put their welfare first, as long as they are rich, from a 'good background' and 'fit in', which you do not'.
Thus speaks the Great Grim Church
Thus speaks the Great Grim Church
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