Sunday 1 December 2013


Right, Peter can be assured that I am blogging about anything and everything.

This morning I walked to church, an hour and ten minutes walk, and as I walked I thought about, prayed for and blessed the many churches and people I have got to know during my adventures, by the end of my walk, I still hadn't finished.
My home churches were on my mind a lot, and I wished I was back at my old church, with Pastor John treating the whole church like family and making the Bible come alive with his sermon. But actually, despite the walk, where I was going was going to be a good service too.
I enjoyed church and spent the rest of the day with people from church.

Back at my computer this evening, I find that Guernsey Deanery are jealous of the limelight that Jersey have been getting, and are throwing tantrums, and talking about 'moving to a Diocese in Europe'. Well, if any Diocese will accept these Deaneries, maybe it would be a good idea, move to a new diocese, and then effectively be under control of the new diocese, and maybe the overseeing of those deaneries will improve.
Which would be good.

Because at the moment, the Island Deaneries are like children who aren't under adequate parental control, and they know it, so they throw tantrums, issue ultimatums and demand what they want.
Will another Diocese accept them or are they just seeing how far they can push Winchester?

Off the subject, why was my 'where is God?' post so popular? No one will answer, but it has been shared and tweeted and passed on as if I had written something other than anything and everything.

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