Saturday, 30 November 2013

'The Oligarchy hung the Bishop out to dry' or, someone chased him up a lamp post

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Good evening.
I am tired at the moment, I can't walk without pain, and cannot get any physio or foam at the moment, so I am not writing much, I hope you like the lamp post picture.


  1. One day , those who have failed you will be punished for their actions- and then on that day they will think back to the day when they turned their cheek on you -when you most needed the support.

    - its only a matter of time.

  2. Church of England Diocese use Confidentiality Clauses to pay off employees who have knowledge of the misdeeds of Senior clergy regarding financial and moral misdoings. Otherwise knowing as buying thier silence. The Church crumbles if good people stay silent.

    1. Thank you Adrian, that is interesting to hear. HG

  3. Church of England Diocese use confidentiality clauses to pay off individuals who know of senior clergy's financial and moral 'misdeeds'. The Church crumbles when good people stay silent.

  4. Hi Adrian, thank you for your input, would you like to explain more about the confidentiality clauses? I am interested.


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