Sunday 15 December 2013

Camping in the Bishop's garden

I have been falsely accused of hanging around the Bishop's house and sleeping in his shed before. Henious lies and very wrong, done to try and further the efforts to make me out to be insane to cover the Bishop and Jane Fisher's backs. But, Polo has decided to do a Marquee at Wolvsley even though it is not July.
All are welcome to come and occupy. Please bring a CD or MP3 Player so I can listen to my favourite songs on top volume.

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It is nearly 9pm and I have just got back from church, I left to go to church at 9am, so that's gotta be a record.
We have had a lovely evening, the 9 lessons and Carols, Carols always sound better by candle light, and after the carols it was drinks and mince pies, and washing up and banter with my church people.
And I came home with loads of stuff. Church always seems to mean lots of stuff.

I am laughing at how many people viewed a certain month in my homeless blog just because I mentioned it. Haha.

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