Saturday 11 January 2014

very amused to see furious and unfounded defence of the diocese of winchester's inadequate safeguarding procedures on the needle blog, thought I would respond

It is funny seeing some member of the diocese furiously defending the diocese on here, after last years appalling 9 months of severe damage inflcted on me in what must be the worst planned and executed ‘investigation’ that the church of england have ever attempted, and the outcomes that were to appease the Jersey deanery and did nothing but harm me further, I do not think that the diocese of winchester have a clue about safeguarding, or what an abuse survivors suffers, and the outcome for me is that I have been left displaced, damaged and ill, while nothing effective has been done.
Anyone who believes that the diocese have any effective safeguarding in place needs to meet some of us who have suffered at Jane Fisher’s hands, because sadly I am not alone, and needs to read the blogs
There is no evidence to back up any spin about the Diocese of Winchester being effective in any safeguarding policy, and after three years on the streets and destroyed because of Jane Fisher’s actions to cover up for the church and make me out to be insane and the recent 9 month onslaught of harm to me by the diocese , I am living evidence that their safeguarding has not improved and is not in any way sufficient.
The Korris Report, done without my side of things being included, is one example of their complete lack of safeguarding as the damaging inaccuracies that cover up for Jane Fisher’s bad practice and bad behaviour that caused me to react is very damaging to me.
A small example of what Jane Fisher, safeguarding officer of the Winchester diocese thinks is acceptable is her telling me that my abuser was a ‘Christian who got things wrong’ and that Bob Key ‘Made Mistakes’ as if the mistake of seeing my abusers first and trying to dissuade me from making a complaint against my abuser despite his history, his continued inappropriate behaviour and the church’s lack of appropriate action were ok.
Jane Fisher never at any point told me that the church intended to investigate Bob Key, but instead acted as if my concerns were insanity, and tried to make me meet with him again.
Is that good safeguarding? No, is it evidenced? yes, I have the correspondence.
Sorry Diocese, the more you rubbish me, the more I speak, trying to refer me to the NSPCC who’s attitude to Jimmy Savil’s wrongdoing is so bad, and publishing this in a press release as ‘help they have offered me’ while they have wasted half a million on upsetting me and the Jersey Deanery when they could have provided help for me and training for the Deanery does not back up that ‘defence’ of the Diocese in the comment above at all. HG

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