Sunday 8 December 2013

anything and nothing

Dame Steel is reading my blog. awesome, maybe she wants my side of things?

I got back from church just 45 minutes ago, which is funny because I went to church at 9am this morning.
Well, since the morning service I've been hanging out with the gang, eating good food and playing cards (I am no good at cards as it uses the defective part of my brain), I decided not to go to the evening service, so I came back, weighed down with books, Christmas cards and cake :)
Ah, where did that long hot summer go, with all those long Sunday afternoons on the blanket with a book and a picnic?

I am told not to be so harsh on Peter, by respected mentor.
Peter you need a haircut.

There, that was more polite.

Polo has been doing cartoons.
His cartoons are not for the faint hearted or easily offended, although the Bishop wrecking ball ones were my request because the Bishop has been a tiny bit unhelpful.

Ten uses for Guernsey Gache:

  1. Bath sponge
  2. Door Stop
  3. Pillow
  4. Cannon Ball to fire at that other island
  5. Donkey Food
  6. Traffic calming measure
  7. Buoy
  8. Stool (no, not that kind)
  9. Hat (hollow it out)
  10. Rugby Ball
OK. Guernsey Gache is better than Jersey Wonders, cos who would want a doughnut without doughnut in it, right? That's just wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Outraged from Guernsey has demanded the removal of use 5 of Guernsey Gache. :)
    But English law says I may leave it there.


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