Sunday 22 June 2014

Police Misconduct blog up and running!

Well, this is out of the blue, I know. But from somewhere, probably the relentless tide of stories of police misconduct and brutality and the way the police mistreat and hurt abuse survivors and cover up their misconduct. I have decided to launch a blog about police misconduct, this will include my own experiences as and when I am strong enough, and will include misconducts by UK and Jersey police, as well as any stories from other countries that people will send in.
I researched on twitter, to see if this blog would be worth doing, and so far I am getting a favourable answer, so, I will link the new blog to this post

Anyone wishing to send me their experiences can do so by emailing me on

Trolls will be reported to the police, who will praise them and stringently avoid action against them.

Posts can be published in your name or anonymous but I may have to omit police officer's names and numbers from posts.

This is a dangerous new venture for me. Being in a police state means you can end up being beaten and locked up for such a blog, but seeing as you can be beaten and locked up for reporting abuse and trying to defend yourself against a powerful organization like the church of England, I will take that risk.

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