Friday 21 February 2014


Someone asked me what WRAP was.
WRAP is Wellness Recovery Action Plan, I think.

I did WRAP  probably a year or 18 months ago.
I did it to help me cope with times when depression, despair and flashbacks stopped me functioning properly.
I can recommend WRAP, because it is easy to understand and use, basic and simple and effective.
I have been using it as best I can this week, although it is hard to do anything good when you have no money. But I can use the basic day-to-day maintenance plan.

WRAP was designed by illness and disability sufferers as a strategy for coping when life is hard, it has been used by people with physical and mental illnesses, it can be used for trauma sufferers, amputees, people with depression and a wide variety of challenges.

The basic day-to-day maintenance plan encourages you to remember to eat, wash, look after your appearance, rest, talk to someone, watch television, it encourages you not to stay in a stupor of hopelessness which drags you down further, and I do find that I am better when I get myself to look after myself and my room.

WRAP is good. I am often cynical of 'mental health' programmes, but WRAP is for anyone who is struggling, and was created by people who had challenges, and is real-life help.
I can recommend it, it helped me when not much else was helping me.

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