Wednesday 14 March 2018


Thanks for the recent feedback.

This blog, as I was trying to say in an earlier post, is mainly at the end of it's useful life, in a way, in that I don't normally post on here any more, I keep it so that I can link letters of complaint to posts on here, and that sends the church nuts, which is a bonus.

Apologies to the man who wrote to me and thanked me for the blog, I am sorry to hear about your mother in law, that must be a nightmare. I am closing comments on this blog and preparing a final post in response to feedback.

Yes it will be the document that was written yesterday.

The blog will stay up as it is obviously getting a good viewing every day and the posts are still relevant and in use, and the church want me to take it down.

Thank you all for your support.
You will have noticed on the daily blog that I am increasingly struggling with mobility and injuries including a broken spine and having to look at ending the gardening and landbased career that has spanned my adult lifetime. It is being replaced with a freelance writing career that is as yet not earning me a living, but as a result I need more time for my blogs related to the freelance writing career.

Those of you who know me well and are in touch, you are welcome to ask to view my other blogs, which are not on this profile.

All the best,


 - Survivor of the lack of safeguarding in the Church of England and their need to place image above the welfare of the vulnerable and abuse victims.

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